10 October 2010

Abstained Agogo - Awareness not coolness:

1- Since when it's considered cool to be Hardcore Punk? Okay, it IS cool to be Hardcore Punk. I guess it all goes back to the tribal thingy and sense of belonging. Come on, is it not cool to be able to say " Hey, I am a Punk and You are not. Fuck you and your momma". If that is not cool then I do not know what is.

2- To be with happy with like minded people, sharing the same love for this music for the outcast with the like minded people, being able to go to punk shows and meet new like minded people are the tribal nature of men. Why? Happiness, security, comfort, sense of belonging maybe.

3- On a serious note, should one consider Hardcore Punk a cool thing to do? Fuck no. Fuck hardcore Punk if its a cool thing to do. How do you DO hardcore Punk anyway?

4- Okay, young minds will always be attracted to all things rebellion, James Dean and anti authoritarianism because hell, it does sound cool. What more if you can wear Hardcore shirts to show your allegiance to the scene. Well, fuck you and your hardcore t shirts.

5- We can just hope that they will soon realize that awareness, knowledge, education and direct action is way cooler than Hardcore Punk.

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